Compiled by Cornelia Rémi
Last updated: 10 February 2020
Started in October 2004
Please support this bibliography by sending additions or corrections to: coremi [at]
Even information about works in progress (e.g. all kinds of university theses and dissertations) is most appreciated. Please do not hesitate to send me the bibliographical data of your Potter-related publications, especially if you have found this bibliography helpful in writing them.
Should you have edited an essay collection on Harry Potter, I would be particularly grateful if you could send me a table of contents including the complete page numbers for all the chapters. It's annoyingly time-consuming to comb the internet for tables of contents, when neither you nor your publisher provide one. In some cases I have been forced to "reconstruct" fragmentary tables of contents using bits and pieces of bibliographical information I found on the websites of contributors. Don't let this happen to your book.
If you use this bibliography for your writing, it would be fair and decent to add it to your list of references, like this:
Rémi, Cornelia. Harry Potter Bibliography. 17 April 2018. Web. 31 May 2018.
Make sure to modify the "last updated" date and the date of access!
Please note that far from all entries in this bibliography have been checked by autopsy, since my access to printed resources is limited. Consequently information listed here may be unreliable in some cases. Corrections are always welcome.
Opinions expressed in the publications listed below do not necessarily coincide with my own views and beliefs. Since critical scholarship rests upon general curiosity and a certain amount of broadmindedness, I am including even publications which appear strange or doubtful (to put it mildly) and publications that are not dedicated to the Harry Potter series as such, but merely using its corpus as material for other studies. A decisive criterion, however, is that an actual publication has taken or (in case of ongoing research) is about resp. intended to take place, thus guaranteeing a text's quotability.
Please note: Single texts in essay collections on Harry Potter are only listed under the title of the respective volume (and its first editor's name), *not* separately under their authors' names.
A tip: If you are looking for the latest literature on HP, use the search function (CTRL+F) to look for the date of publication, e. g. 2006.
Harry Potter: The Exhibition. San Diego: Beckon Books, 2009.
"Harry Potter: The Power of One Series." In: 2008 Kids & Family Reading Report. Reading in the 21st Century: Turning the Page with Technology 48-56.
"Harry Potter Character Lends Name to Theory of Cognitive Aging." In: Future Neurology 2:5 (2007), 483f.
"Harry Potter Books Spark Rise in Satanism Among Children" In: Robert Siegel et al.: Dispatches from the Tenth Circle. The Best of the Onion. New York 2001, (Originally in: The Onion, 26 July 2000.)
Harry Potter im Englischunterricht. München: GRIN, 2006 (Term paper [Hauptseminararbeit], Universität Passau/Germany).
"Harry Potter vs. Local Heroes The state of children's literature in China." In: Beijing Review 48:36 (2005), 28f.
"Inside the Potter Countdown: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Elaborate Preparation at Scholastic for the Release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." In: Publishers Weekly 252:28 (2005), 69-72.
Mad: In This Issue We Hurl All Over Harry Potter. Mad Magazine 391 (March 2000).
Mad: Special Harry Potter Issue. Mad Magazine 412 (December 2001).
Mad casts a spell on Harry Potter. Mad Magazine 424 (December 2002).
Mad: Have you seen this idiot? Mad Magazine 443 (July 2004).
Scholastic, Inc. v. Nancy Stouffer. 124 F.Supp.2d 836, 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 17474 (S.D.N.Y. 2000)
Scholastic, Inc. v. Nancy Stouffer. 124 F.Supp.2d 836, 2000 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 11516 (S.D.N.Y. 2000)
Warner Bros Entertainment Inc and JK Rowling v RDR Books and Does 1-10 (07 Civ. 9667) (United States District Court, Southern District of New York), Judge Robert B. Patterson Jr, 8 September 2008.
Aas, Grethe: J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter, and contemporary society: The Harry Potter books as social criticism. Oslo 2004 (MA Thesis [Hovedoppgave i engelsk], Universitetet i Oslo, Norway).
Abanes, Richard: Harry Potter, Narnia, and The Lord of the Rings. Eugene, Ore.: Harvest House Publishers, 2005.
Abanes, Richard: Fantasy and Your Family: Exploring the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Modern Magick. Camp Hill, Pa.: Horizon Books, 2002.
Abanes, Richard: Harry Potter and the Bible: The Menace Behind the Magick. Camp Hill, Pa.: Horizon Books, 2001.
Abate, Michelle Ann: Bloody Murder: The Homicide Tradition in Children's Literature. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2013.
Aberšek, Metka Kordigel/Scancar, Sonja Gjerkes: "Recpcija etičnih sodb v Kamnu modrosti ali o vplivu privzemanja perspektive književne osebe na zaznavanje, razumevanje in vrednotenje etičnih sodb." In: Otrok in Knjiga 70 (2007), 5-24.
Abraham, Ulf: "Familienlektüren wie z.B. Harry Potter. Fantastische Erfolgsromane mit Helden ohne Familienanschluss, gelesen vor dem Hintergrund empirischer Erkenntnisse über familiale Lesesozialisation." In: Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik 32:1 (2002), 88-97.
Abraham, Ulf: "Harry Potter als Familienlektüre." In: Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde, Helmut Scheuer (eds.): Familienmuster - Musterfamilien. Zur Konstruktion von Familie in der Literatur. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Peter Lang, 2004 (MeLiS 1).
Abraham, Ulf: "Harry Potter und die Medien der Muggel." In: Hartmut Kugler et al. (eds.): Vorträge des Erlanger Germanistentags. Vol. 1. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2002, 537-555.
Abraham, Ulf: "Das fantastische Fremde: Joanne K. Rowling: 'Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen'." In: Petra Büker, Clemens Kammler (eds.): Das Fremde und das Andere. Interpretationen und didaktische Analysen zeitgenössischer Kinder- und Jugendbücher. Weinheim, München: Juventa, 2003, 87-100.
Achilles, Mark: "Fantasy Fiction - Die Suche nach dem wahren Menschsein bei Harry Potter." In: Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift 58:4 (2007), 301-317.
Achilles, Mark: "Fantasy Fiction - Die Suche nach dem wahren Menschsein bei Harry Potter und Der Herr der Ringe." In: Thomas Bohrmann, Werner Veith, Stephan Zöller (eds.): Handbuch Theologie und populärer Film. Vol. 1. Paderborn, München, Wien, Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2007, 95-113.
Achilles, Mark/Bohrmann, Thomas: "'Harry Potter'. Inhaltsethische Analyse eines Kinder- und Jugendbuchs." In: Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift 55:1 (2004), 67-83.
Aciman, Alexander/Rensin, Emmett: Twitterature: The world's greatest books in twenty tweets or less. New York : Penguin Books, 2009.
Ackman, Nicole: Gender portrayal in J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix": A Feminist Rhetorical Criticism. Brookings 2007 (M.Sc. Thesis, South Dakota State University, USA).
Acocella, Joan: "Under the spell: Harry Potter Explained." In: The New Yorker (31 July 2000), 74-78.
Adam, Jim: Destiny Unfulfilled: A Critique of the Harry Potter Series. Huntersville: Gragthor Terrazin, 2010.
Adam, Lars: Distanz oder Distanzlosigkeit? Der Umgang von Kindern mit angstbesetzen Fernseherlebnissen. München: GRIN, 2009.
Adami, Gian Franco: "Harry Potter and Obesity." In: Obesity Surgery 12:2 (2002), 298.
Adelsberger, Daniel: Harry Potter and the Quest for a Preconfigured Identity. Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag, 2015.
Adler, Bill (ed.): Kids' Letters to Harry Potter: An Unauthorized Collection. New York: Carroll and Graf, 2001.
Adler, Bill (ed.): Kids' Letters to Harry Potter: From Around the World. An Unauthorized Collection. New York: Carroll and Graf, 2002.
Adler, Charles L.: Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2014.
Adney, Kristine Karley: "From Books to Battle: Hermione's Quest for Knowledge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." In: Topic: The Washington and Jefferson College Review 54 (2004), 103-112.
Adney, Karley/Hassel, Holly: Critical companion to J. K. Rowling: a Literary Reference to her Life and Work. New York: Facts On File, 2011.
Aeschlimann, Maxence: History of Magic: A Study on the Influence of Historical Facts on J. K. Rowling's Wizarding World. Metz 2017 (MA Thesis, Université de Lorraine/France).
Agarwal, Nikita/Agarwal, Chitra: Friends and Foes of Harry Potter: Names Decoded. Dallas, Tex.: Texas World Pub., 2005.
Akçapar, Şbnem Köşer: "'Harry Potter' Çevirileri ve Karşılaştırılması Üzerine." In: Çeviribilim ve Uygulamalari Dergisi/Journal of Translation Studies/Revue de Traduction et d'Interprétation 11 (2001), 103-111.
Alanko, Erja: Velhojen väkivalta väkivallan oikeuttaminen Harry Potter -tarinassa. Joensuu 2004 (MA Thesis [Pro Gradu Thesis], Joensuun yliopisto, Finland).
Alaoui-Moretti, Setty: "Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal: Analyse d'un échec." In: Les Cahiers de l'ILCEA 6 (2004): Traduction / adaptation des littératures et textes spécialisés, 59-78, 278-279.
Alberola, Eva Lara: "Hacia donde la magia converge: Harry Potter y su papel en la literatura hechiceril." In: Espéculo: Revista Electrónica Cuatrimestral de Estudios Literarios 45 (July/October 2010).
Alberti, John/Miller, P. Andrew (eds.): Transforming Harry: The Adaptation of Harry Potter in the Transmedia Age. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2018. Contents:
Alderson, Brian: This Book Belongs to Me: from Tom Thumb to Harry Potter. Exhibition catalogue. Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland, 2002.
Alderson, Brian: "Harry Potter, Dido Twite, and Mr. Beowulf." In: The Horn Book Magazine 76:3 (2000), 349-352.
Alderton, Zoe: "'Snapewives' and 'Snapeism': A Fiction-Based Religion within the Harry Potter Fandom." In: Religions 5:1 (2014), 219-267.
Aleixandre, Marilar: "Samaín versus Halloween, cultura e mercancías: Nomes na tradución de Harry Potter." In: Luz Méndez, Gonzalo Navaza (eds.): Actas do I Congreso Internacional de Onomástica Galega "Frei Martín Sarmiento". Santiago de Compostela, 2, 3 e 4 de setembro de 2002. Santiago de Compostela: Asociación Galega de Onomástica, 2007, 633-642.
Aleixandre, Marilar: "La lengua del espejo. Harry Potter traducido." In: Cuadernos de literatura infantil y juvenil 133 (Dec 2000), 49-50.
Aleksandrov, Vladimir: "Kto pridumal futbol, ili garri potter v shkole i doma." In: Novyj mir. Literaturno-chudozestvennyj i obscestvenno-politiceskij zurnal 7 (2001).
Alemán, David Mena: "Editor's Introduction to the Symposium: Politics, Policy, and Harry Potter." In: Politics & Policy 40:3 (2012), 363-368.
Algeo, John: "A Fancy for the Fantastic: Reflections on Names in Fantasy Literature." In: Names: A Journal of Onomastics 49:4 (Dec 2001), 248-253.
Alim Ot-Senre, Zeugirdor: Harry Potter, el mundo mágico explicado a los padres. ¿Por qué Harry Potter atrae a nuestros hijos? Barcelona: Freelive, 2002.
Alkestrand, Malin: "'Nineteen years later': Maktrelationen mellan barn och vuxna i Harry Potter-böckerna och Harry Potter and the Cursed Child." In: Humanetten 39 (2017), 53-71. Published on 22 January 2018.
Alkestrand, Malin: Magiska möjligheter: Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl och Cirkeln i skolans värdegrundsarbete. Stockholm, Göteborg: Makadam, 2016 (Svenska Barnboksinstitutets skriftserie 137) (PhD Thesis, Lund/Sweden, 2016).
Alkestrand, Malin: "Righteous Rebellion in Fantasy and Science Fiction for the Young: The Example of Harry Potter." In: Jon Helgason, Sara Kärrholm, Ann Steiner (eds.): Hype: Bestsellers and Literary Culture. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2014, 109-126.
Allen, Amanda K.: "Social Networking, Participatory Culture, and the Fandom World of Harry Potter." In: Gail Ashton (ed.). The Handbook of Medieval Afterlives in Contemporary Culture. London: Bloomsbury, 2015.
Allgaier, Karl: "Ein neues Zeitalter der Kinderliteratur? Das Phänomen 'Harry Potter'." In: Pastoralblatt für die Diözesen Aachen, Berlin, Essen, Hildesheim, Köln, Osnabrück 12/2001, 379-382.
Almazá García, Eva M.: "Os ingredientes da apócema máxica: lealdade ó noso e ó alleo en Harry Potter e a Cámara dos Segredos." In: Viceversa: Revista Galega de Traduccióon 7/8 (2001), 259-263.
Alnor, William M.: Borrowed or Stolen? A Study of Plagiarism in Religion, with an Emphasis on Contemporary Religious Media. Philadelphia 2004 (PhD Thesis, Temple University/USA).
Alpion, Gëzim: "Images of Albania and Albanians in English literature: from Edith Durham to J. K. Rowling." (Paper presented at the Institute for Advanced Research in Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Birmingham, UK, on 12 February 2002.) In: BESA: Journal indépendant fondé par un groupe Albanais pour la liberté de l'Albanie 6:2 (Spring 2002), 30-34.
Alston, Anne: The Family in English Children's Literature. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Altintaş, Ayşegül Kuglin: "A New Hermione: Re-Creations of the Female Harry Potter Protagonist in Fan Fiction." In: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 61:2 (2013), 155-173.
Altmann, Christian: "Stochastik und Harry Potter." In: PM: Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule 44:5 (2002), 224-226.
Ammosov, Yuri: "Potter must die: Detskaia kniga byl eposom, a epos obernulsia tragediei." In: Voprosy Literatury 2005:4, 161-167.
Amnell, Malin: Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone: Its place within the genre of fantasy fiction. Luleå 2001 (Term paper [D-uppsats], Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden).
Anastasaki, Elena: "Harry Potter through the Looking Glass: Wordplay and Language in the Works of Lewis Carroll and J. K. Rowling." In: Carrollian: The Lewis Carroll Journal 19 (2007), 19-31.
Anatol, Giselle Liza (ed.): Reading Harry Potter Again: New Critical Essays. Westport: Greenwood, 2009. Contents:
Anatol, Giselle Liza (ed.): Reading Harry Potter: Critical Essays. Westport, Conn./London: Praeger, 2003 (Contributions to the Study of Popular Culture 78). Contents:
Andersen, Kara Lynn: "Harry Potter and the Susceptible Child Audience." In: CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 7:2 (2005).
Andrade, Glenna: "Hermione Granger as Girl Sleuth." In: Michael G. Cornelius, Melanie E. Gregg (eds.): Nancy Drew and Her Sister Sleuths: Essays on the Fiction of Girl Detectives. Jefferson: McFarland, 2008, 164-178.
Andreasen, Anne-Johanne: Explaining Harry Potter: Development of a generic hybrid. Odense 2004 (Thesis [Specialeopgave], Center for Engelsk, Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Denmark).
Anelli, Melissa: Harry, A History: The True Story of a Boy Wizard, His Fans, and Life Inside the Harry Potter Phenomenon. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008.
Angel, Will A.: An Immortal Science: Alchemy's Role in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". Greenville 2011 (MA Thesis, East Carolina University, USA).
Angels, Ervina: The implied meanings of the flouting maxims in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" movie. Surabaya 2007 (Undergraduate Thesis, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia).
Angerer, Christina: Patterns of Heroism in Harry Potter. Salzburg 2010 (MA Thesis [Diplomarbeit], Universität Salzburg, Austria).
Anggraini, Yuni: A Study on Harry Potter's Sadness in J. K. Rowling's Novel "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". Malang 2007 (Thesis, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia).
Anker, Elisabeth: "Ein Glückszauber gegen Depression, Angst und Kälte. Kinder und 'Harry Potter'." In: Katechetische Blätter 127 (2002), 192-194.
Anonymous/Morataya, Kerin/Romeo, Darby: Diary of a Harry Potter Addict. [s.l.]: Two Nuts Consortium Publishing, 2011.
Antúnez Pérez, Isabel: "Aproximación al paralenguaje: Análisis de casos en Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." In: Tonos Digital 11 (July 2006).
Appelbaum, Peter: Children's Books for Grown-Up Teachers. Reading and Writing Curriculum Theory. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Aragunde Pazos, Iria: La Traducción de los nombres propios en "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone": Estrategias y soluciones en español, gallego, catalán y francés. Vigo 2004 (Thesis [Traballo de fin de carreira], Universidade de Vigo, Facultade de Filoloxía e Traducción).
Arca, Antoni/Pinna, Ester/Pisano, Giovanna: Carezze, brividi e Harry Potter. Mercati letterari per ragazzi. Cagliari: Condaghes, 2004.
Arch, Wendy Michelle Ryun: A living fire to enlighten the darkness": Allegorical interpretations of Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time" and J. K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". Ames 2010 (MA Thesis, Iowa State University, USA).
Arden, Heather/Lorenz, Kathryn: "The Harry Potter Stories and French Arthurian Romance." In: Arthuriana. The Journal of Arthurian Studies 13:2 (2003), 54-68.
Arden, Heather/Lorenz, Kathryn: "The Ambiguity of the Outsider in the Harry Potter Stories and Beyond." In: Will Wright, Steven Kaplan (eds.): The Image of the Outsider in Literature, Media, and Society: Selected Papers, 2002 Conference, Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery. Pueblo, Colo.: Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, University of Southern Colorado, 2002, 430-434.
Arendt, Elycia: "The Great Harry Potter Debate." In: Elycia Arendt: Braveheart and Broomsticks: Essays on Movies, Myths, and Magic. Haverford, PA: Infinity, 2002, 73-86.
Arènes, Jacques: "Harry Potter. La saga de la lutte contre le mal." In: Étvdes. Revue de culture contemporaine 403:4 (2005), 409-411.
Argentieri, Niccolò: La più grande avventura: Figure del tempo nelle storie di Peter Pan e Harry Potter. Acireale: Bonanno, 2013.
Armitt, Lucie: "The Magical Realism of the Contemporary Gothic." In: David Punter (ed.): A New Companion to the Gothic. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 510-522.
Armitt, Lucie: Fantasy Fiction. An Introduction. London: Continuum, 2005.
Arms, Phil: Pokemon & Harry Potter: A Fatal Attraction. An Expose of the Secret War Against the Youth of America. Oklahoma City: Hearthstone Publishing, 2000.
Armstrong, Ari: Values of Harry Potter: Lessons for Muggles. Denver: Ember, 2008.
Arnauld, Andreas von/Klein, Christian: Weil Bücher unsere Welt verändern. Vom Nibelungenlied bis Harry Potter. Darmstadt: wbg Theiss, 2019.
Arter, Lisa: "Celebrating Multiple Literacies with Harry Potter." In: The English Journal 98:6 (2009), 69-73.
Asher, Mary: The Power of Women in Harry Potter. Saarbrücken: Verlag Dr. Müller, 2010.
Ashmore, Travis A.: The Four Temperaments in Science Fiction and Fantasy Franchise Films: The Hero-by-Committee Phenomenon. Dominguez Hills 2010 (MA Thesis, California State University, USA).
Ashton, Jean: "Barbie, the Wiggles and Harry Potter. Can Popular Culture Really Support Young Children's Literacy Development?" In: European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 13:1 (2005), 31-40.
Astrén, Johanna: Hogwarts, Muggles and Quidditch: A Study of the Translation of Names in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Books. Falun 2004 (Term paper [C-uppsats], Institutionen för Humaniora och språk, Högskolan Dalarna, Falun, Sweden).
Attebery, Brian: Stories about Stories: Fantasy and the Remaking of Myth. New York: Oxford UP, 2014.
Auriacombe, Eric: Harry Potter, l'enfant héros. Essai sur la psychopathologie de Harry Potter. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2005.
van der Auwera, Johan/Schalley, Eva/Nuyts, Jan: "Epistemic possibility in a Slavonic parallel corpus - a pilot study." In: Björn Hansen, Petr Karlík (eds.): Modality in Slavonic languages. New perspectives. München: Otto Sagner, 2005, 201-217.
Avas, Ary: Ki kicsoda Harry Potter világában a Heti Próféta életrajzi válogatása Avas Ary. Debrecen: Gold Book, 2008.
de Azúa, Félix: "Sobre Harry Potter. La primavera aventura." In: Cuadernos de literatura infantil y juvenil 133 (2000), 44-46.
Babenhauserheide, Melanie: Harry Potter und die Widersprüche der Kulturindustrie. Eine ideologiekritische Analyse. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2018.
Babenhauserheide, Melanie: "Zwischen Feminismus und Misogynie: Einige Überlegungen zu Fragen, die das Geschlechterverhältnis in male/male slash fiction aufwirft." In: Extrablatt. Aus Gründen gegen fast Alles 10 (2017).
Babenhauserheide, Melanie: "Was nicht glattgeht. Überlegungen zur Position der Kritik (in) der Kulturindustrie anhand der ideologischen Widersprüche der Harry-Potter-Romane und der Darstellung von Geschlecht in Slash Fiction." In: Martin Niederauer, Gerhard Schweppenhäuser (eds.): "Kulturindustrie": Theoretische und empirische Annäherungen an einen populären Begriff. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2018, 179-199.
Babenhauserheide, Melanie: "Wie mit dem Jenseits das Diesseits verewigt wird. Zur Ideologie des Todes in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur." In: Extrablatt. Aus Gründen gegen fast Alles 9 (Sommer/Herbst 2014).
Babenhauserheide, Melanie: Harry Potter (be)zaubert die Welt, wie sie ist. Zur Ideologie der Romanreihe J.K. Rowlings aus erziehungswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Frankfurt/M. 2015 (PhD Thesis, Wolfgang Goethe Universität zu Frankfurt am Main/Germany).
Babenhauserheide, Melanie: "The Twofold Happy Ending of J.K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter'-Series: Utopian and Affirmative Aspects." In: Marcus Hawel et al. (eds.): Work in Progress. Work on Progress. Doktorand_innen-Jahrbuch 2013 der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Hamburg 2013, 187-199.
Babenhauserheide, Melanie: "Blut, Abstammung und Familie in J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter-Reihe." In: interjuli 2/2012, 76-92.
Babenhauserheide, Melanie/Krämer, Kalle: "Was lehrt uns die Frankfurter Schule in Hogwarts? Harry Potter, Adorno und die Erkenntnisse einer ideologiekritischen Perspektive. In: Caroline Roeder (ed.): Parole(n) - Politische Dimensionen von Kinder- und Jugendmedien. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2020, 227-240..
Bachmann-Stein, Andrea: "'Würgende Wasserspeier': Phraseologie in Joanne K. Rowlings 'Harry Potter'". In: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen/Bulletin de la Société Néophilologique/Bulletin of the Modern Language Society 111:3 (2010), 285-295.
Bäcker, Frank: "Harrius est omnis divisus in partes septem. Warum Harry Potter auch auf Latein eine gute Figur macht." In: Bulletin Jugend & Literatur 35:2 (2004), 26-27.
Bader, Simone: Magic as a phenomenon in children's books. An analysis of J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan, Roald Dahl's The Witches and J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Innsbruck 2004 (MA Thesis [Diplomarbeit], Universität Innsbruck, Austria).
Baehr, Ted/Snyder, Tom: Frodo and Harry: Understanding Visual Media an Its Impact on Our Lives. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2003.
Baggett, David/Klein, Shawn (eds.): Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle ran Hogwarts. Chicago: Open Court Press, 2004. Contents:
Bak, Sandra: Harry Potter. Auf den Spuren eines zauberhaften Bestsellers. Frankfurt: Lang, 2004 (Europäische Hochschulschriften Reihe 1: Deutsche Sprache und Literatur 1889).
Bakke, Kristine Ohrem: A muggle's study of Harry Potter's magical world: J.K. Rowling's literary texts and Chris Columbus' film adaptations. Oslo 2004 (MA Thesis [Hovedoppgave i engelsk], Universitetet i Oslo, Norway).
Ballard, S. B.: "Thoughts on Harry Potter: Wizardry, Good and Evil." In: Anglican Theological Review 82 (2000), 173-176.
Balboni, Flavia/Tanzini, Simona: Harry Potter a il suo magico mondo. Personaggi, luoghi, oggetti, creature magiche, incantesimi. Roma: Armando, 2003.
Baltzar, Birgit: Power and Evil in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Novels. Tampere 2007 (MA Thesis [Pro Gradu Thesis], Tampereen yliopisto, Finland).
Bamdas, Jo Ann Tucker: Imagination at work: Improving Adult Literacy with the 'Harry Potter' Novels. Boca Raton 2002 (MA Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, USA).
Barassi, Laëtitia: Harry Potter et le 'complexe du homard' . Dijon 2003 (Thesis [Thè d'exercise], Université de Bourgogne, France).
Barber, Peter John: "The Combat Myth and the Gospel's Apocalypse in the Harry Potter Series: Subversion of a Supposed Existential Given." In: Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 24:2 (2012), 183-200.
Barbolini, Francesca: Effetto Harry Potter. Piombino: Il Foglio, 2010.
Barfield, Steven: "Fantasy and the Interpretation of Fantasy in Harry Potter." In: Topic: The Washington and Jefferson College Review 54 (2004), 24-32.
Barg, Werner C.: "Literarische und filmische Phantasiewelten. Technologische Neuerungen als Basis für die Verfilmung von Kinder- und Jugendbüchern." In: Horst Schäfer, Claudia Wegener (eds.): Kindheit und Film. Geschichte, Themen und Perspektiven des Kinderfilms in Deutschland. Konstanz: UVK, 2009 (Alltag, Medien und Kultur 5), 259-267.
Barker, Jani L.: "Virtuous Transgressors, Not Moral Saints: Protagonists in Contemporary Children's Literature." In: Claudia Mills (ed.): Ethics and Children's Literature. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, 101-123.
Barr, K.: "Magic and mind maps. Continuing the Harry Potter theme." In: Literacy and Learning 23 (2002), 9-13.
Barratt, Bethany: The Politics of Harry Potter. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Barrs, Jerram: "Harry Potter and the Triumph of Self-Sacrificing Love." In: Jerram Barrs: Echoes of Eden: Reflections on Christianity, Literature, and the Arts. Wheaton: Crossway, 2013.
Barta, James/L'Ai, Linda: "Galleons, Magic Potions, and Quidditch: The Mathematics of Harry Potter." In: Teaching Children Mathematics 11:4 (Nov 2004), 210-216.
Bartenstein, Ines: "Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince." In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht: Englisch 42/93 (2008), 46-47.
Barton, Benjamin: "Harry Potter and the Half-Crazed Bureaucracy." In: Michigan Law Review 104 (May 2006).
Barton, Julie: "Fantasy World, Realistic Issues: Contemporary Socio-Political Imagery in Harry Potter." In: The Journal of Children's Literature Studies 5:1 (2008), 53-67.
Barton, Julie: "The Monsters of Depression in Children's Literature: of Dementors, Spectres, and Pictures." In: The Journal of Children's Literature Studies 2:1 (2005), 27-39.
Bärwald, Lukas: "Ordnung hilf Haushalten. Von Haus-, Gleis- und sonstigen Nummern im Raum." In: 1000 und 1 Buch 4/2008, 22-24.
Bary, Karen/Garnar, Martin: "How to Handle Harry: When Mr. Potter Becomes a Problem." In: Colorado Libraries 28:3 (2002), 13-16.
Bassham, Gregory: "Harry Potter and the Metaphysics of Soul-Splitting." In: Reason Papers 34:1 (2012), 25-31.
Bassham, Gregory/Morris, Tom (eds.): The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles. Blackwell, 2010 (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series 20). Contents:
Batchler, Janet Scott: What Will Harry Do? The Unofficial Guide to Payoffs and Possibilities in Book 7. [s. l.]:, 2006.
Bates, J.: "As if by magic - A patient's ideal nurse is a cross between Harry Potter and Hercule Poirot." In: Nursing Standard 20:47 (2006), 29.
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V Harry Potter als Herausforderung für eine zeitgemäße Medienkulturforschung und Mediendidaktik
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Über die Autorinnen und Autoren. (325-)
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Part I: Globalization
Part II: Conflict and Warfare
Part III: Geography and Myth
Part IV: Pedagogy
About the Authors.
Nichol, Jon/Watson, Kate/Waites, Graham: "Rhetoric and reality: Using ICT to enhance pupil learning-Harry Potter and the Warley Woods Mystery-Case Study 2." In: British Journal of Education Technology 34:2 (2003), 201-214.
Nic Mhaoláin, Máire: "Translating World Favourites". In: DCUTimes (Dublin City University, University Magazine) Summer Edition 26 May 2006, 50.
Niemann, Karl-Heinz: "Harrius Potter Latinus - ein Impuls für den Lateinunterricht?" In: Der altsprachliche Unterricht Latein, Griechisch 47:6 (2004), 57-61.
Nierhoff, Anette: "Turnen mit "Harry Potter"." In: Sportpraxis 43:4 (2002), 6-9.
Nijburg, Anne: Weer herrie om Harry. Discussie over de Potterboeken van Joanne K. Rowling. Amersfoort: Bijbel & Onderwijs, 2005 [originally published as Houdt het nooit op? Nu weer: Herrie om Harry: Hoe gaan we om met de boeken van de schrijfster Joanne K. Rowling? Amersfoort: Bijbel & Onderwijs, 2001].
Niklas, Annemarie: Kinderfreundschaft im Spiegel der medialen Wirklichkeit. Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, 2002 (Europäische Hochschulschriften 11,864.
Nilsen, Alleen Pace/Nilsen, Don L. F.: The Language of Humor: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2019.
Nilsen, Don L. F./Nilsen, Alleen Pace: "Naming Tropes and Schemes in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Books." In: English Journal 98:6 (2009), 60-68.
Nilsen, Alleen Pace/Nilsen, Don L. F.: Names and naming in young adult literature. Lanham/Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2007.
Nilsen, Alleen Pace/Nilsen, Don L. F.: "Latin revived: Source-based vocabulary lessons courtesy of Harry Potter." In: Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 50:2 (2006), 128-135.
Nilsen, Alleen Pace/Nilsen, Don L. F.: "Six Literary Functions of Name-Play in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Books." In: Onoma: Journal of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences 40 (2005), 65-81.
Nilsen, Alleen Pace/Nilsen, Don L. F.: "Lessons in the teaching of vocabulary from September 11 and Harry Potter." In: Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 46:3 (2002), 254-261.
The Nimbus-2003 Programming Team (eds.): Selected Papers from Nimbus-2003 Compendium: We Solemnly Swear These Papers Were Worth The Wait. Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Corporation, 2005. Contents:
Education & Library Studies.
Law and Legal Issues
Gender, Identity, Race & Class
Moral Development, Philosophy & Religious Studies
Muggle Studies: Where Fandom Culture and Academia Intersect
Mythology and Magical Systems
Biographies and Summaries
Neal, Connie W.: Wizards, Wardrobes & Wookiees: Navigating Good and Evil in Harry Potter, Star Wars & the Chronicles of Narnia. Downers Grove: IVP Books, 2007.
Neal, Connie: The Gospel According to Harry Potter: Spirituality in the Stories of the World's Most Famous Seeker. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002. Revised and expanded edition: The Gospel according to Harry Potter: The spiritual Journey of the World's Greatest Seeker. Louisville: Westminster John Know Press, 2008.
Neal, Connie: What's a Christian to Do with Harry Potter? Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Press, 2001.
Neal, Connie/Bruner, Kurt et al.: Wizards, Hobbits and Harry Potter: What Your Family Needs to Know. Little Rock: FamilyLife Publishing, 2001.
Neal, Connie/Parvin, Samuel F.: The Gospel According to Harry Potter: Leader's Guide for Group Study. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.
Neble Nielsen, Anne: Fænomenet Harry Potter. Aalborg 2001. (Thesis, Danmarks Biblioteksskole, Aalborg Afdelingen)
Nel, Philip: J K Rowling's Harry Potter Novels. A Reader's Guide. New York, London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2001.
Nel, Philip: "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bored: Harry Potter, the Movie." In: Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 46:2 (Oct. 2002), 172-175.
Nel, Philip: "Is There a Text in This Advertising Campaign? Literature, Marketing, and Harry Potter." In: The Lion and the Unicorn 29:2 (Apr. 2005), 236-267.
Reprinted in: Brooke Erin Duffy, Joseph Turow (eds.): Key readings in media today: Mass communication in contexts. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Nĕmečková, Kateøina: The Influence of Myths and Legends on the Harry Potter Books. Pardubice 2014 (BA Thesis [bakaláøská práce], Univerzita Pardubice, Czech Republic).
Neuner, Michael/Sandhu, Swaran: "Strategien globaler Medienunternehmen: Harry Potter - Eine Fallstudie zur normativen Stakeholder-Theorie." In: Andreas Hepp, Friedrich Krotz, Carsten Winter (eds.): Globalisierung der Medienkommunikation. Lehrbuch. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005, 209-228.
Ney, Philip G.: "Harry Potter: The archetype of an abortion survivor." In: Catholic Insight (Dec 2003),
Nicola, Ruth: "Returning to Reading with Harry Potter." In: Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 44 (2001), 747-750.
Nicolas, Agathe: "Formes de représentation, impératif d'actualité et enjeux de pouvoir sur les dispositifs numéeriques: L'Exemple de J. K. Rowling et du site" In: Mémoires du Livre/Studies in Book Culture 9:2 (2018), 1-39.
Nicolas, Agathe: "From the 'Book to Read' to the 'Book to Collect': Harry Potter and digital platforms in France." In: Logos: The Professional Journal for the Book World 28:1 (2017), 19-28.
Nijman, Vincent/Nekaris, K. Anne-Isola: "The Harry Potter effect: The rise in trade of owls as pets in Java and Bali, Indonesia." In: Global Ecology and Conservation 11 (2017), 84-94.
Nikolajeva, Maria: "Harry Potter and the Secrets of Children's Literature." In: Maria Nikolajeva: Power, Voice and Subjectivity in Literature for Young Readers. New York: Routledge, 2009 (Children's literature and culture 67).
Nikolajeva, Maria: "Hur man skapar en succé. Fenomenet Harry Potter." In: Opsis Kalopsis 1/2000, 32-36.
Nikolajeva, Maria: "Harry Potter och barnlitteraturens hemligheter." In: Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap 32:4 (2003), 4-19.
Nilson, Maria: Från Gossip Girl till Harry Potter: Genusperspektiv på ungdomslitteratur. Lund: BTJ, 2010.
Nitovuori, Maiju: Harry Potter -sarjan henkilönnimistö sukupuolisuuden ilmentäjänä. Oulu 2015 (MA Thesis, University of Oulu, Finland).
Nitzsche, Rainar: Spinne sein: Spinnenspiegelungen in Menschenaugen. Kaiserslautern: Rainer Nitzsche, 2003.
Nitzschmann, Karin: Die phantastische Welt des Harry Potter. Analyse des siebenbändigen Entwicklungsromans. Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsell, 2007.
Nguyen, Kim Hong Thanh: Imagining orphanhood post-9/11: Rhetoric, trope, and therapy. Iowa City 2008 (PhD Thesis, The University of Iowa/USA).
Noctor, Colman: "Putting Harry Potter on the Couch." In: Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 11:4 (2006), 579-590.
Nodelman, Perry: The Hidden Adult: Defining Children's Literature. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 2008.
Noel-Smith, Kelly: "Harry Potter's Oedipal Issues." In: Psychoanalytic Studies 3:2 (2001), 199-207.
Nolan, Leo F. (II): "Harry Potter and the Tax Accounting Myths." In: Tax Notes (Jan 2001),
Noppe, Nele: "Social Networking Services as Platforms for Transcultural Fannish Interaction: DeviantART and Pixiv." In: Jaqueline Berndt, Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer(eds): Manga's Cultural Crossroads. New York: Routledge, 2013, 143-159.
Noren, Mary Elizabeth: Beneath The Invisibility Cloak: Myth and The Modern World View in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Dayton 2007 (MA Thesis, Wright State University, USA).
Norman, Emma R.: "International Boggarts: Carl Schmitt, Harry Potter, and the Transfiguration of Identity and Violence." In: Politics & Policy 40:3 (2012),l 403-423.
Norman, Emma R.: Course Syllabus: Harry Potter and International Politics: Identity, Violence and Social Control. April 2012 (Policy Studies Organization Proceedings 16).
Norman, Emma R./Delfin, Rafael: "Wizards under Uncertainty: Cognitive Biases, Threat Assessment, and Misjudgments in Policy Making." In: Politics & Policy 40:3 (2012), 369-402.
Northrup, Clyde Bryan: J. R. R. Tolkien's lecture "On Fairy-Stories": The Qualities of Tolkienian Fantasy. Las Vegas 2004 (PhD Thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas/USA).
Nothdorf, Katrin: Kopiervorlagen und Materialien zu "Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen". Deutsch 5.-7. Schuljahr. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 2001.
Nothdorf, Katrin: Kopiervorlagen und Materialien zu "Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens". Deutsch 5.-7. Schuljahr. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 2002.
Nothdorf, Katrin: Carlsen in der Schule. Ideen für den Unterricht Klasse 5-9. Hamburg 2002.
Novosel, Jadranka: The Harry Potter Phenomenon and Its Implications for Literacy Education. Vancouver 2010 (MA Thesis, University of British Columbia, Canada).
Novrup, Svend: Ved du alt om Harry Potter? København: Sesam, 2003.
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II. Conversations on Eternal Truth
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IV. Conversations on Literary Criticism
V. Conversations on Characters
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Purkiss, Diane: "From Bedford Falls to Pottersville: Harry Potter, consuming narratives, and bad writing." In: The Journal of Children's Literature Studies 5:1 (2008), 110-134.
Pursehouse, Julian: "Engaging with the Spirituality of Harry Potter." In: Epworth Review 31:3 (2004), 40-47.
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No entries for this letter yet!
Rachbauer, Tamara: Affinitätsgruppenanalyse am Beispiel der Medienmarke Harry Potter. München: GRIN, 2011.
Radigan, Winifred M.: "Connecting the Generations: Memory, Magic, and Harry Potter." In: Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 44 (2001), 694.
Raditsch, Ferdinand: Filmmusik: Gemeinsamkeiten und Änderungen basierend auf Max Steiners "King Kong" und Erich Wolfgang Korngolds "The Adventures of Robin Hood" in Beziehung zu zwei Filmen eines neuen Zeitalters von John Williams. Wien 2008 (MA Thesis [Diplomarbeit], Universität Wien, Austria).
Radley, Gail: "Spiritual Quest in the Realm of Harry Potter." In: The ALAN Review 30:2 (2003), 20-24.
Raecke, Renate: "Es 'pottert' - und zwar gewaltig: J.K. Rowling auf Deutschland-Tour." In: Eselsohr 4 (2000),
Rafer, David: "Symbols for the Post-Mythical Society: Myth-Making in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series." In: Critical Engagements: A Journal of Criticism and Theory 1:1 (2007), 188-210.
Rahikainen, Pia: Litterära egennamns funktioner i original och översättning : En analys av egennamnens funktioner i J. K. Rowlings romaner om Harry Potter och deras finska och svenska översättningar. Helsinki 2005 (MA Thesis [Pro gradu -työ], Helsingin yliopisto, Finland).
Rahner, Johanna: "Alles war gut? Joanne K. Rowling beendet ihre literarische Zauberei." In: Herder Korrespondenz 61:9 (2007), 462-466.
Rahner, Johanna: "Die zwei Seiten der Wirklichkeit. Die Abenteuer des Zauberlehrlings Harry Potter ziehen Kinder und Erwachsene in ihren Bann." In: Konradsblatt Nr. 24 (15 May 2003), 20f. [See even the letters to the editor in Konradsblatt Nr. 29 (20 July 2003) and 33 (17 August 2003).]
Rak, Isabelle: "Harry Potter: Quand la magie libère le discours." In: Communio: Revue catholique internationale 33:6 (2008), 37-54.
Raker, Katarina Michaele: Das mythische Element in J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter. München: GRIN, 2003 (Term paper [Seminararbeit], Hochschule Vechta/Germany).
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Rämö, Leena: Reasons for the popularity of the Potter books and the oblivion of Enid Blyton's Five. Helsinki 2002 (MA Thesis [Pro Gradu Thesis], Helsingin yliopisto, Finland).
Rana, Marion: "'The less you lot have ter do with these foreigners, the happier yeh'll be': Cultural and National Otherness in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series." In: International Research in Children's Literature 4:1 (2011), 45-58.
Rana, Marion: Creating Magical Worlds: Otherness and Othering in Harry Potter. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009.
Rankin, Chris: "An Excerpt from Percy Weasley's University Thesis." In: Anne Jamison (ed.): Fic: Why Fanfiction is Taking Over the World. New York: BenBella Books, 2013, 157-164.
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Rana, Marion: Creating Magical Worlds: Otherness and Othering in Harry Potter. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 2009.
Randall, Eric D.: The Pottersaurus: 1,500 words Harry Potter readers need to know. Albany, N. Y.: Plain English Legal Publications, 2007.
Randall, Jessy: "Wizard Words: The Literary, Latin, and Lexical Origins of Harry Potter's Vocabulary." In: Verbatim: The Language Quarterly 26:2 (2001), 1, 3-7.
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Rank, Bernhard/Just, Martin-Christoph: "Forschungsliteratur zu 'Harry Potter'." In: Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung 2001/2002, 126-140.
Ratke, Igor: "Garri Potter i raskoldovyvanie mira." In: Voprosy Literatury 2005:4, 149-60.
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Raveling, Wiard: "Das Phänomen Harry Potter." In: Mut: Forum für Kultur, Politik und Geschichte 407 (2001), 68-87.
Ray, Katherine: To Read or Not to Read: The Influence of Literature on Behavior Management. Lynchburg 2009 (Senior Honours Thesis, Liberty University, USA).
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Part I: "The Burrow is Just Outsidy Ottery St. Catchpole": When Muggles and Wizards Lived Side by Side
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Part III: Women and Witches, Werewolves and Muggle-Borns: Magical Hierarchies
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Redlin, Kirsten/Demuth, Reinhard: "Chemie in Harry Potter." In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule 57:5 (2008), 17-19.
Regazzoni, Simone: Harry Potter e la filosofia. Fenomenologia di un mito pop. Genova: Il melangolo, 2008 (Altrescritture 1).
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Rehling, Petra: "Harry Potter, wuxia and the transcultural flow of fantasy texts in Taiwan." In: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (2012), 69-87.
Reimann, Eva: J. K. Rowlings "Harry Potter" - Mythen in der Namensgebung. München: GRIN, 2010 (Term paper [Hauptseminararbeit], Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany).
Reinbacher, Birgit: Phänomen Harry Potter. Eine Literatur- und Rezeptionsanalyse. Salzburg 2003 (MA Thesis [Diplomarbeit], Universität Salzburg, Austria).
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Rhymes, Martha Young: The Phenomenal 'Harry Potter' Books: A Cultural Study of Corporate Influence on Reading Instruction and Image-Making. Statesboro 2003 (EdD Thesis, Georgia Southern University, USA).
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Richardson, Megan/Tan, David: "The Art of Retelling: Harry Potter and Copyright in a Fan-Literature Era." In: MALR 14:1 (2009), 31 (University of Melbourne Legal Studies Research Paper 379).
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Riedel, Inga: Harry Potter - Einführung in die Weltanschauung unter religionspädagogischer Perspektive. München: GRIN, 2003 (Term paper [Seminararbeit], Universität Bremen/Germany).
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Ritter, Hermann: "Geschichte und Magie bei Harry Potter." In: Inklings. Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik 19 (2001), 136-155.
Ritter, Werner H.: "Wenn Schwarzenegger betet und Harry Potter gegen den Bösen kämpft." In: Theo-Web-Wissenschaft: Zeitschrift für Theorie der Religionspädagogik 2:1 (2003), 4-15. [Even in: Schulfach Religion 22:1/2 (2003), 159-176.]
Robbins, Ruth Anne: "Harry Potter, Ruby Slippers and Merlin: Telling the Client's Story using the Characters and Paradigm of the Archetypal Hero's Journey." In: Seattle University Law Review 29:4 (Fall 2006), p 767.
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Robertson, Venetia Laura Delano: "Magical Matrimony: Romance and Enchantment in Harry Potter-Themed Weddings." In: Carole M. Cusack, John W. Morehead, Venetia Laura Delano Robertson (eds.): The Sacred in Fantastic Fandom: Essays on the Intersection of Religion and Pop Culture. Jefferson: McFarland, 2019, 169-186.
Rodriguez, Christina: Harry Potter: Vergleich der britischen und amerikanischen Version. München: GRIN, 2009 (Term paper [Zwischenprüfungsarbeit], Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz/Germany).
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Rohlman, Kelli: Identity, Rhetoric and Behavior: The Contradictory Communities of Wizard Rock. Lubbock 2010 (MA Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock/USA).
Roland, Daniel: "The Response of Mainline Protestant Clergy Members to the Moral Panic Regarding Harry Potter." In: Journal of Cognition and Development 12:3-4 (2013), 90-113.
Röllich-Faber, Ursula: "Mangelware Motivation in der Mittelstufe: Haben Maniac Magee, Stargirl und Harry Potter eine Chance?" In: Almut Küppers, Jürgen Quetz (eds.): Motivation Revisited: Festschrift für Gert Solmecke. Münster u. a.: LIT-Verlag, 2006 (Hallenser Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik 12), 165-
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Roncone, Kelly: "The Technology of Magic: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities from Harry Potter's World." In: Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 57:11 (2005), 30.
Ronkainen, Essi-Lotta: Rewriting the school series: Formulaic elements in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Turku 2006 (MA Thesis [Pro Gradu Thesis], Turun yliopisto, Finland).
Roostaee, Zahra: An Intercultural Study: The Reception of J. K. Rowling's the "Harry Potter" Book Series in Iran. Sherbrooke 2010 (MA Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada).
Roper, Denise: Lord of the Hallows: Christian Symbolism and Themes in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Denver/Colorado: Outskirts Press, 2009.
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Rösch, Gertrud: "Wächst das Rettende auch? Die Konzeptualisierung und Visualisierung des Bösen in den Filmen Harry Potter (2001/2002) und Men in Black (1997/2002)." In: Oliver Jahraus, Stefan Neuhaus (eds.): Der fantastische Film. Geschichte und Funktion in der Mediengesellschaft. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2005, 187-197.
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Williams, Jeffrey: "Dying to Save: Child Sacrifice in the Harry Potter and the Hunger Games Series." In: Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 30:2 (2018), 75-86.
Williams, Joe: "Harry Potter and the Clash of Symbols." In: St. Louis Post-Dispatch (6 June 2004),
Williams, Peter W.: "Popular Religion and Pluralism, or, Will Harry Potter Be Left Behind?" In: Charles L. Cohen, Ronald L. Numbers (eds.): Gods in America: Religious Pluralism in the United States. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2013, 266-282.
Willis, Ika: "Keeping promises to queer children: Making space (for Mary Sue) at Hogwarts." In: Karen Hellekson, Kristina Busse (eds.): Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays. Jefferson: McFarland, 2006, 153-170.
Willson-Metzger, Alicia/Metzger, David: "But Is He Really Smart? Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory in the World of Harry Potter." In: Popular Culture Review 14:2 (2003), 55-61.
Winter, Annette: "Blasser Harry, gutes Kind. Süßer die Kassen nie klingeln: 'Harry Potter' zaubert im Kino." In: Fundevogel 141 (2001), 38-41.
Winter, Brigitta: "Harry-Potter-Tag an unserer Schule. Ein Projekt für alle Klassen." In: HTW-Praxis 53:9 (2001), 19-20.
Winterink, Heiltje: Harry Potter through the years: A reception study of American and Dutch reviews. Utrecht 2008 (MA Thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands).
Winters, Sarah Fiona: "The Landscape of Boredom in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." In: Aïda Hudson (ed.): Children's Literature and Imaginative Geography. Waterloo: Wilfried Laurier UP, 2018, 215-228.
Winters, Sarah Fiona: "Streaming Scholarship: Using Fan Vids to Teach Harry Potter." In: Children's Literature in Education 45:3 (2014), 239-254.
Winters, Sarah Fiona: "Bubble-wrapped children and safe books for boys: the politics of parenting in 'Harry Potter'." In: Children's Literature 39 (2011), 213-233.
Winters, Sarah Fiona: "Good and Evil in the Works of Diana Wynne Jones and J. K. Rowling." In: Teya Rosenberg, Teya/Martha P. Hixon/Sharon M. Scapple/Donna R. White (eds.): Diana Wynne Jones: An Exciting and Exacting Wisdom. New York: Peter Lang, 2002, 79-95.
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Wohlberg, Steve: Exposing Harry Potter and Witchcraft: The Menace beneath the Magic. Shippensburg: Destiny Image Publishers, 2005.
Wohlberg, Steve: Hour of the Witch: Harry Potter, Wicca Witchcraft and the Bible. Shippensburg: Destiny Image Publishers, 2005.
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Wolf, Jennifer Lynn: 'I just hope there's a sequel.' What we can learn from young adult novels and the teens who read them. Palo Alto 2005 (PhD Thesis, Stanford University/USA).
Wolfbauer, Irmtraud: Constructions of Good and Evil in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Books: A linguistic analysis. Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag, 2017.
Wolfbauer, Irmtraud Maria: Constructions of Good and Evil in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Books. Graz 2010 (MA Thesis [Diplomarbeit], Universität Graz, Austria).
Wolff, Larry: "Die Erfindung Osteuropas: Von Voltaire zu Voldemort." In: Karl Kaser, Dagmar Gramshammer-Hohl, Robert Pichler (eds.): Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens. Vol. 11: Europa und die Grenzen im Kopf. Klagenfurt: Wieser, 2003, 21-34.
Wolfgram, Susan M.: "Gender-Informed Parenting: A Review of the Film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Why Not Hermione Granger?" In: Journal of Feminist Family Therapy 14:3/4 (2002), 130-132.
Wolosky, Shira: "Foucault at School: Discipline, Education and Agency in Harry Potter." In: Children's Literature in Education 45:4 (2014), 285-297.
Wolosky, Shira: "Harry Potter's Ethical Paradigms: Augustine, Kant, and Feminist Moral Theory." In: Children's Literature: Annual of The Modern Language Association Division on Children's Literature and The Children's Literature Association 40 (2012), 191-217.
Wolosky, Shira: The Riddles of Harry Potter: Secret Passages and Interpretative Quests. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Wolschak, Dorothea: 'Harry Potter' and the Modern Witch? The Depiction of Witchcraft and Witches in the 'Harry Potter' Series. s. l.: GRIN, 2014 (BA Thesis, Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Germany).
Wolter, Martina: Die literarische Repräsentation des Bösen in den Harry Potter Romanen von J.K. Rowling. Bonn 2017 (PhD Thesis, Rheinische Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany).
Wood, Andelys: "Quidditch Rules: Sport in the Postmodern School Story." In: Journal of Kentucky Studies 21 (Sept 2004), 155-160.
Wood, Carolyn: "'Feminine' speech in the Japanese Translations of Harry Potter." In: Griffith Working Papers in Pragmatics and Intercultural Communications 2,1 (2009), 44-50.
Wood, Susan Nelson/Quackenbush, Kim: "The Sorcerer's Stone: A Touchstone for Readers of All Ages." In: English Journal 90:3 (2001), 97-103.
Woodford, Donna C.: "Disillusionment in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." In: Topic: The Washington and Jefferson College Review 54 (2004), 63-72.
Wrigley, Christopher: The Return of the Hero. Lewes: Book Guild, 2005.
Wu, Mei-Ying: 'What fantastic creatures boys are.' Ideology, discourse, and the construction of boyhood in selected juvenile fiction. Moscow, Idaho 2005 (PhD Thesis, University of Idaho/USA).
Wu, Yung-Hsing: "The Magical Matter of Books: and The Tales of Beedle the Bard." In: Children's Literature Association Quarterly 35 (2010), 190-207.
Wucherpfennig, Wolf: "Harry Potter, vore dages helt." In: Anne Elisabeth Sejten (ed.): Helte og antihelte - en litteraturkritisk mosaik. Frederiksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2006, 205-228.
Wünsche, Marie-Luise/Benzenhöfer, Udo: "Die Alchemie in 'Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen' (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Flamel- und Paracelsusrezeption)." In: Geschichte der Pharmazie 56. Jahrgang, DAZ Beilage (Sept 2004), 49-53.
Wüste, Janet: "Weiblichkeits- und Männlichkeitskonzepte in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur am Beispiel von Harry Potter." Innsbruck 2012 (MA Thesis [Diplomarbeit], Universität Innsbruck, Austria).
Wygant, Amy: "The Golden Fleece and Harry Potter." In: Amy Wygant (ed.): The Meanings of Magic: From the Bible to Buffalo Bill. New York: Berghahn Books, 2006, 179-98.
van Wyk, Judy: "Harry Potter: Bible Minus Sex, Violence (Letter)." In: Providence Journal (6 September 2000), B5.
Wyler, Lia: "Harry Potter for Children, Teenagers and Adults." In: Meta - Traduction pour les enfants 48:1-2 (2003), 5-14.
Wynne-Jones, Tim: "Harry Potter and the Blaze of Publicity." In: Ottawa Citizen (16 July 2000), C16.
No entries for this letter yet!
Yao, Li: Time Changes Ideology Changes: Differences in What Children Can Learn from Little Women and Harry Potter and the Philolosopher's Stone. Kristianstad 2009 (Term paper, Högskolan Kristianstad, Sweden).
Yaggi, Miranda Maney: "Harry Potter's Heritage: Tolkien as Rowling's Patronus against the Critics." In: Topic: The Washington and Jefferson College Review 54 (2004), 33-45.
Ye, Songmao: Hali Bote vs Mo jie: Bu yao shuo wo "mao yong". Xianggang: Tian dao shu lou, 2003.
Yeo, Michelle: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Feminist Interpretations/Jungian Dreams." In: Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education 4:1 (2004).
Yiasemi, Sotiroula: Translating Children's Literature in a Changing World: Potteromania and its Articulations into Greek. Nikosia 2012 (PhD Thesis, University of Cyprus).
Yodovich, Neta: "'A Little Costumed Girl at a Sci-Fi Convention': Boundary Work as a Main Destigmatization Strategy Among Women Fans." In: Women's Studies in Communication 39:3 (2016), 289-307.
Yokomura, Emi: "A case study of sentence patterns and grammatical roles on English verb take - in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." In: ??? 115 (2008), 243-258. [Japanese]
Yost, Kimberly: "Harry Potter and the leadership of resistance." In: Kristin M. S. Bezio, Kimberly Yost (eds.): Leadership, Popular Culture and Social Change. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018, 53-.
Young, Aedon: "The Gospel of Severus Snape." In: Amie A. Doughty (ed.): Children's and Young Adult Literature and Culture: A Mosaic of Criticism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, 197-215.
Zabukovec, Dušanka: "Kaj je ime? Čemur se reče vrtnica, enako sladko z drugim imenom bi di šalo." In: Hieronymus: Revija o Prevajalstvu 2:1-2 (2008), 77-95.
Zahorchak, Christine Gerhold: "The Hero's Quest in the Harry Potter Books and Films." In: Robert C. Evans (ed.): Critical Approaches to Literature: Psychological. Ipswich, Amenia: Salem Press, 2017, 238-256.
Zalesskaia, Mariia Kirillovna: Fenomen Garri Pottera, ili Razoblacheniia chernoi magii. Moscow: Veche, 2007.
Zandberg, Anzette: Die rol van die vertaler as kulturele bemiddelaar: Die Afrikaanse Harry Potter as gevallestudie. Stellenbosch 2009 (MA Thesis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa).
Zandee, Danielle Petronella: A Study in Generative Process: The Art of Theorizing. Cleveland, Ohio 2004 (PhD Thesis, Case Western Reserve University/USA).
Zander, Jörg: "Wer hat Angst vor Harry P.?" In: pro - Christliches Medienmagazin 3/2000, 4-6.
Zărnescu, Crina-Magdalena: "Les Symboles du passage: La Porte et l'escalier." In: Caietele Echinox 26 (2014), 99-104.
Zejda, Christine Anna: Unleash your imagination. Kreative Fanaktivität im Internet - Harry-Potter-Fanfiction auf fanfiction net. Wien 2008 (MA Thesis [Diplomarbeit], Universität Wien, Austria).
Zhang, Yongsheng: "The Use of Shall in Harry Potter in Comparison with Current American Usage." In: Wayne Finke, Hikaru Kitabayashi et al. (eds.): Multilingual Perspectives in Geolinguistics. 2nd edition. Raleigh: Lulu Press, 2015, 429-434.
Zimmer, Walthard: Harry Potter - Gefahr für unsere Kinder? Eine nüchterne Analyse der Potter-Kritik. Linz: Eigenverlag, 2005. [ISBN 3-200-00585-3]
Zimmerman, Virginia: "Harry Potter and the Gift of Time." In: Children's Literature 37 (2009), 194-215.
Zimmerman, W. Frederick: Unauthorized Harry Potter and the Alchemist's Cell News: Half-Blood Prince Analysis and Speculation. Ann Arbor: Nimble Books, 2006.
Zimmerman, W. Frederick: Unauthorized Harry Potter and the Chariots of Light News: Half-Blood Prince Analysis and Speculation. Ann Arbor: Nimble Books, 2006.
Zimmerman, W. Frederick: Unauthorized Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows News: Harry Potter Book Seven and Half-Blood Prince Analysis. Ann Arbor: Nimble Books, 2005.
Zimmerman, W. Frederick: Unauthorized Harry Potter Book Seven News: Half-Blood Prince Analysis. Ann Arbor: Nimble Books, 2005.
Zimmerman, W. Frederick: Unofficial "Half-Blood Prince" Update: News and Speculation about Harry Potter Book Six by J. K. Rowling. Ann Arbor: Nimble Books, 2004.
Zimmermann, Birgit/MacNeille, Andrew: "Rassismus, Antirassismus und Bürokratie in Hogwarts. Zur gesellschaftlichen und organisatorischen Struktur der Welt des Harry Potter." In: philtrat. StudentInnenzeitung an der Uni Köln 52 (2003),
Zimmermann, Rainer E.: "The Flow in the Story. Harry Potter als der Horcrux, der nicht sein sollte - jenseits der totalen Institution." In: Richard Faber (ed.): Totale Erziehung in europäischer und amerikanischer Literatur. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013 (Zivilisationen & Geschichte 25), 213-256.
Zingaro, John: Harry Potter Sermons: Biblical truths illustrated by the Harry Potter stories. Newton/NJ: John Zingaro, 2008. [1st edition: 2001.]
Zipes, Jack: "The Phenomenon of Harry Potter, or Why All the Talk?" In: Zipes, Jack: Sticks and Stones: The Troublesome Success of Children's Literature from Slovenly Peter to Harry Potter. New York, London: Routledge, 2001, 170-189.
Zock, Hetty: "Cultural Anxieties in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Evil and the magic of human abilities." In: Hetty Zock (ed.): At the Crossroads of Art and Religion: Imagination, Commitment, Transcendence. Leuven: Peeters, 2008 (Groningen Studies in Cultural Change 34), 101-116.
Zöhrer, Marlene: "Auf tote Eltern ist Verlass!" In: 1000 und 1 Buch 3/2007, 26-29.
Zollner, Barbara M.: Langenscheidts Großes Zauberwörterbuch für Harry-Potter- Fans. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2001.
Zollner, Barbara M.: Mentor Interpretationshilfe zu J. K. Rowling "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". München 2001.
Zosig, Isabel: The Phenomenon Harry Potter - The Secret of its success. München: GRIN, 2003 (Term paper [Seminararbeit], Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg/Germany).
Zsubori, Anne/Das, Ranjana: "Twenty years of Pottermania: British young people's experiences of fantasy at the intersections of the fictive and 'real'." In: Journal of Children and Media 12:4 (2018), 406-419.
Zwettler-Otte, Sylvia (ed.): Von Robinson bis Harry Potter. Kinderbuch-Klassiker psychoanalytisch. München 2002.
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Nota bene: If you are a bibliophile, a scholar, an antiquarian bookseller or a book collector searching for a comprehensive bibliography of J. K. Rowling's writings and the publishing history of her texts, please consult the magisterial bibliography by Philip W. Errington: J. K. Rowling: A Bibliography. London, New York: Bloomsbury 2015!